Finnish Commerce Federation


Energy consumption and emissions in the commerce sector are decreasing effectively, but achieving the targets requires political decisions

In 2022, companies in the commerce sector reduced their electricity consumption by one per cent and their heat consumption by 9 per cent compared to 2021, says Statistics Finland. According to the carbon index for commerce, the sector’s CO2 emissions decreased by 12.3 per cent at the same time. Commerce's goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035 and zero emissions by 2050, but achieving these goals requires policy measures that support the sector.

Services for our members

  • Labour market services

  • Tutkimukset

    Researched data to support your operations

  • Tapahtumat ja koulutukset

    High-quality events and training

  • Ajankohtaiset tiedot kaupan alasta

    News about commerce sector

Advisory service for members

We serve our member companies in questions relating to employment and salary matters.

tel. (09) 1728 5151

on 9.00 a.m.–15.00 p.m.
On Wednesdays 9.00 a.m.–14.00 p.m.


The Finnish Commerce Federation is a nationwide commerce sector lobbying organisation whose mission is to promote Finnish commerce. We develop the cooperative action and operational preconditions of commerce companies and take care of our members’ business and employer benefits. We play a significant role in the labour market. The Finnish Commerce Federation negotiates the commerce sector’s collective labour agreements, resolves labour disputes and serves its members in employment affairs. We develop the cooperative action and operational preconditions of companies in the commerce sector.