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Collective Agreement, Guide

Taking pregnancy or parental leave / NB: This form applies to family leaves after the Finnish family leave reform

Form, Redundancies

Work offer as an alternative to termination

Form, Family leave forms

Taking maternity, paternity or parental leave

Form, Ending of employment

Notice on the termination of employment contract

Form, Employment contracts

Employment contract salesman under the Act on Commercial Representatives and Salesmen

Collective Agreement

Collective Agreement for Warehouse and Transportation Supervisors 1 February 2020–31 January 2022

Collective Agreement

CBA for warehouse and transportation supervisors 2018-2020

Collective Agreement

CBA for retail supervisors 2018-2020


Commerce sector outlook 2021 / excerpts from the forecast

Form, Employment contracts

Framework Agreement on the Conditions of the Employment Contract of an On-call Employee

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