Prospering commerce, happy Europe
The commerce sector provides the European Union area with about 29 million jobs, meaning that one in every seven Europeans works in the sector. Commerce forms about ten per cent of the whole EU’s gross domestic product. This means that the success of the commerce sector will continue to be central to the well-being of the whole EU into the future.
Commerce is important for the economy: it makes up around 15 per cent of the national economy in Finland, and the commerce sector has been responsible for one fifth of the national economy’s growth in recent years.
As an individual sector, commerce is the largest provider of jobs in Finland,employing about 300,000 people. Commerce is one of the cornerstones of Finnish well-being: it funds our healthcare, social security and education. Finnish commerce wants to continue to offer work, livelihood and well-being throughout Finland.
The Finnish Commerce Federation’s objective is the equal operational preconditions of companies in international commerce and the functionality and competitive strength of the European Union’s internal markets.