Month: August 2020

The Finnish Commerce Federation has been reconciliating Trade Union Pro’s strike that threatens Suomen Kotidata – calling for patience to resolve the matter

This week, the Finnish Commerce Federation has been reconciliating the labour dispute in Suomen Kotidata Oy, a member company. The dispute concerns the collective agreement applied in the company. The Finnish Commerce Federation wishes to ensure that the Collective Agreement for the Commercial Sector can be put into effect promptly and impartially by a decision of the Labour Court in accordance with our legal system. The Finnish Commerce Federation hopes that Trade Union Pro will observe industrial peace for the duration of the investigation.

Retail trade grows while parts of specialty goods trade were hit hard by the coronavirus – structural reforms bring more jobs to the branch

The coronavirus crisis gave a record-high boost to the sales of electronics, hardware and daily consumer goods in places, but many branches of the specialty goods trade suffered. Simultaneously, the loss of retail trade jobs has accelerated. The potential second wave of the coronavirus towards the end of the year could cut the predicted 2.5 per cent growth in retail business in half and speed up the loss of jobs. Bold and comprehensive structural reforms are called for to eliminate the incentive traps tormenting the commerce sector.