Year: 2020

Finnish Commerce Federation and Service Union United PAM: The situation of the specialty goods trade has rapidly collapsed to an alarming level – decisions on direct support for businesses are required quickly

The Finnish Commerce Federation and Service Union United PAM demand that the Government quickly provides information about the direct support measures which the State is prepared to take to avoid a wave of bankruptcies in the specialty goods trade. More extensive social responsibility and clear support measures are also expected of lessors. The situation is alarming in many specialty goods trade businesses: sales have plummeted by 80–90 per cent within only a few weeks.

Specialty goods got retail trade growing – international competition intensifies

Retail business turnover developed well in 2019. A spike in specialty and department store trade during late summer and autumn sped up the growth. However, the employment rate of the retail sector dropped from last year due to increased efficiency of supply chains and operations as well as automation and international competition, among other things.