Mask recommendation for shops lifted
The Finnish Commerce Federation and the Finnish Grocery Trade Association recommend that the national mask recommendation be lifted in shops. On 14 April, THL notified about the lifting of the general mask recommendation. These official instructions only apply to the mask use of customers. The employers shall continue to give their own recommendations based on their own risk assessment.
The Finnish Commerce Federation and the Finnish Grocery Trade Association (PTY) recommend that the national mask recommendation for shops be lifted. This is based on the press release by THL on 14 April concerning the lifting of the general mask recommendation.
THL’s instructions only apply to the mask use of customers. The employers shall give their own recommendations regarding mask use of their personnel based on their own risk assessments.
According to THL’s press release, regional mask recommendations may continue to be kept in force. PTY and the Finnish Commerce Federation continue to update their compilation concerning the regional mask recommendations in different hospital districts for commerce sector businesses.
Further information:
Mari Kiviniemi, Managing Director, Finnish Commerce Federation, tel. +358 (0)50 511 3189, mari.kiviniemi(at)
Kari Luoto, Managing Director, Finnish Grocery Trade Association, +358 (0)40 068 8708, kari.luoto(at)
Lauri Kulonen, Senior Adviser, commerce sector’s COVID-19 measures, tel. +358 (0)40 419 9309,
THL: THL:n yleinen maskisuositus poistuu, mutta maskia voi oman harkinnan mukaan edelleen käyttää
Kooste kaupoille sairaanhoitopiirien alueellisista maskisuosituksista