Negotiations on the labour market model were interrupted
Negotiations between the representatives of employers and wage earners on the development of an export-driven labour market model were interrupted on Wednesday, 13 December. The parties to the negotiations included the Finnish Commerce Federation, Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, Local Government and County Employers KT, Service Sector Employers Palta, Technology Industry Employers of Finland and the Office for the Government as Employer.
At Wednesday’s meeting, SAK’s member unions announced that it was not possible to move to the actual negotiation phase, because the organisations’ demand to extend the process to other working life issues in the Government Programme has not been met. Local agreements, issues on industrial peace and unemployment security, among other things, were on the agenda.
In November, Minister of Employment Arto Satonen expressed the wish for the contracting parties to start negotiations on a Finnish labour market model that would strengthen the national economy and promote employment.
Representatives of employer associations regard the end of the process as very regrettable. The organisations representing employers would have been willing to negotiate, in accordance with the original plan, a mutually beneficial Finnish labour market model and find common solutions.
Five representatives appointed by SAK, four by STTK and four by Akava have been involved from the wage earners’ side.
Further information:
Anna Lavikkala, työmarkkinajohtaja, Kaupan liitto ry, 0400 406 088
Minna Etu-Seppälä, työmarkkinajohtaja, Kemianteollisuus ry, 040 778 0182
Markku Jalonen, toimitusjohtaja, Kunta- ja hyvinvointialuetyönantajat KT, 040 547 7710
Tuomas Aarto, toimitusjohtaja, Palvelualojen työnantajat Palta ry, 040152 0073
Jarkko Ruohoniemi, toimitusjohtaja, Teknologiateollisuuden työnantajat ry, 040 833 9577