Press releases

Restrictions on movement presuppose support for specialty goods trade companies – Finnish Commerce Federation calls for clarity in government decisions

The government’s planned decisions on restriction of movement would hit the specialty and household goods trades heavily. The Finnish Commerce Federation demands that the government’s decisions be clear. If restrictions on movement really are implemented, the commerce sector companies suffering from the restrictions must be compensated for the negative financial impacts.

Online shopping grew by over twenty per cent in Finland – market share of domestic e-commerce is increasing

Online retail trade grew by 22 per cent in Finland last year, exceeding record pace of the 2010s. At the same time, domestic online shopping grew, and an increasing number of Finnish online stores were among the highest rated in the fourth edition of a listing of customer ratings published by the Finnish Commerce Federation. Online shopping is becoming increasingly commonplace among consumers, which is why now is the time for both companies and political decision-makers to invest in its development.

COVID-19 boosted commercial growth – employment fell

Retail sector turnover grew by almost four per cent during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, COVID-19 treated commerce industries very differently. The growth in last year’s turnover is not visible as growth in the number of people employed in the commerce sector or as new companies in the commerce sector. Instead, they continue their downward trend. The pandemic helped online retail reach record figures. Ensuring purchasing power, competence and entrepreneurship is key when advancing to the time after COVID-19.

Finnish Commerce Federation and Service Union United PAM: The commerce sector reacts to harassment strongly – guidelines for stopping harassment published by labour market organisations

The Finnish Commerce Federation and Service Union United PAM together published guidelines for stopping, preventing and intervening with harassment within companies of the sector. The guidelines include a recommendation for a customer warning practice to use in case a customer acts inappropriately.

Record-breaking e-commerce Christmas season is coming

Predicting Christmas commerce is particularly difficult this year. Many specialty goods trade sectors, for which the Christmas season has traditionally been the most important sales season of the year, have suffered during the COVID-19 year. At the beginning of the season, it is encouraging to see that consumption intentions in many important product groups have intensified right now. December is still by far the most important month in terms of sales for commerce in Finland.

People also appreciate physical stores and services during the COVID-19 pandemic – daily consumer goods trade has the best service experience

The year of the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for consumer services and medical centres had the greatest increase in customer satisfaction. Satisfaction improved the most in the Alepa chain and is the highest with customers of Dressmann. Service experience has a considerable impact on customer satisfaction, and daily consumer goods trade has the best service experience. Finnish Commerce Federation’s Chief Economist, Jaana Kurjenoja finds that physical stores can use location, selection and customer service to compete with online buying.

Record-breaking e-commerce Christmas season is coming

Predicting Christmas commerce is particularly difficult this year. Many specialty goods trade sectors, for which the Christmas season has traditionally been the most important sales season of the year, have suffered during the COVID-19 year. At the beginning of the season, it is encouraging to see that consumption intentions in many important product groups have intensified right now. December is still by far the most important month in terms of sales for commerce in Finland.