Press releases

Agreement reached on labour dispute in commerce sector – negotiation result accepted and strikes cancelled

Terms of employment of employees and supervisors in the commerce sector have now been agreed for a two-year period. The agreement increases wages by EUR 105 from 1 June 2023 and by EUR 60 from 1 June 2024. In addition, a one-time sum of EUR 400 will be paid to commerce sector employees in connection with the payment of wages in April, of which EUR 200 can also be paid in connection with the payment of wages in September 2023. The agreement is in line with the so-called general policy.   

Negotiations in the commerce sector

The Finnish Commerce Federation and the Service Union United PAM have today reached agreement in the collective agreement and wage negotiations concerning the commerce sector. The solution will be discussed next in the administrations of the unions.  

Commerce sector sales are decreasing – incentive traps are also causing headaches

According to a recent forecast by the Finnish Commerce Federation, the volume of retail trade sales* will shrink by roughly two per cent this year, and the increase in turnover in euros will be driven solely by rising costs and prices. Cost competition in the sector is accelerating, and the number of employed people is decreasing. However, when there is also a shortage of skilled labour, fierce cost competition does not promote the development of the sector in the international competitive environment. From the point of view of the growth of the entire national economy, including commerce, it is important for the future government to secure the availability of skilled labour.

The National Conciliator did not see the prerequisites for issuing a settlement proposal in the commerce sector labour dispute – The Finnish Commerce Federation is disappointed in PAM's unwillingness to negotiate

The National Conciliator did not see the prerequisites for presenting a proposal for reconciliation in the labour dispute in the commerce sector today, as the views of the parties were still far removed from one another. The Finnish Commerce Federation is very disappointed that, despite all the proposals from the Finnish Commerce Federation, PAM is not ready to negotiate an amicable solution to avoid strikes, but decided through its own actions to further postpone the pay increases of employees and the development measures of the pay system. The strikes at the largest grocery stores and Kesko's regional terminals will commence on Thursday.

PAM expands strikes again – new massive strikes in stores

On Tuesday 31 January, Service Union United PAM announced further industrial action in the commerce sector. The collective agreement negotiations are still very much in progress, and the first strikes have not yet begun. The latest strike warning pertaining to stores covers 415 sites that employ some 26,000 people. The strike includes all K-Citymarkets, Prismas, Lidl Suomi Ky and Veljekset Keskinen Oy stores, 42 Tokmanni and 14 Kokkola Halpa-Halli stores, as well as Kesko Logistics' terminals in Tampere, Turku, Kuopio and Oulu, among others.